Opening of the Silver House

The renovated house on Masaryk Square invites you to its premises.

The grand opening of the Silver House on Masaryk Square 21 will take place in mid-May and you can look forward to a rich cultural program

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Friday — 17 May

Designed for the general public and some shows require registration


  • 3 p.m. — 6 p.m. workshop Camera Obscura, preparation (CDF - Piňos)
  • 18:30 introduction to the film Bergen by Norwegian film producer Stine Tveten (Music Hall)
  • 7 p.m. screening of documentary film Bergen (CDF)
  • 20:45 concert of the band Zrní (Gate of Jihlava -JAM)

Saturday — 18 May

Tour of selected spaces from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Guided tours of the whole house at 11am, 1pm and 3pm.

Special lectures with a tour of the whole house:

  • 10:00 About the historic restoration of the Silver House and its connection with the project Jihlava Historical Houses: Vratislav Zíka
  • 14:00 Construction-historical survey of the house in context: Marek Peška
  • 16:00 Restoration of the Silver House 2019—2024: Jiří Neubert

Tour from the house to the outside:

  • 15:00 Jiří Neubert (Filip Kochan, Marek Skryvánek): MN18, MN23, Brněnská 6 and 8

Tea room

  • 8:15 — 10:55 Come to us for breakfast!
  • 17:07 Performance tea ceremony. Tea ceremony with friends.

Music Hall

  • 18:00 Kauer, Späváček (Gate of Jihlava - JAM)
  • 19:00 screening of documentaries about Oslavia architecture and Koolhaas Houselife (JAM)
  • 20:30 concert Sotus Kvartet (Gate of Jihlava)


  • 10:00 — 12:00, 14:00 — 17:00 Urbs workshop (JAM)
  • 14:00 — 16:00 workshop Tribuna (JAM)


  • 10:00 — 17:00 Camera Obscura workshop (CDF - Piňos)
  • 10:30 — 17:00 Animation Workshop (CDF)

Sunday — 19 May

Tour of selected areas of the house 10am to 5pm, guided tours of the whole house at 11am, 1pm and 3pm.

Special lectures with a tour of the whole house:

  • 10:00 Simon Kochan — Archaeological Survey in the Silver House
  • 16:00 Marek Štěpán — Architecture of the Restoration and the Emergence of the Silver House

 Tours from the house out:  

  • 14:00 Marek Skryvánek (Jiří Neubert): High halls of Jihlava

 Special lectures with a tour of the subject areas of the house:

  • 14:00 Jiří Jindra — About tiled stoves in the painted hall and apartment
  • 15:00 Václav Kočí — Music Hall Painting

Tea room

  • 8:15 — 10:55 Come to us for breakfast!
  • 17:07 Performance tea ceremony. Tea ceremony with friends.

Painted Hall

  • 13:00 — 18:00 workshop Behind the Scenes of the Silver House (JAM— Marenić)

 Music Hall

  • 19:00 — 20:30 concert Ondřej Smeykal (tea room)


  • 10:00 — 12:00, 14:00 — 17:00 Urbs workshop (JAM)
  • 14:00 — 16:00 workshop Tribuna (JAM)


  • 10:00 — 17:00 Camera Obscura workshop (CDF - Piňos)
  • 10:30 — 17:00 Animation Workshop (CDF)

Opening of the Silver House to the public - May 17

Designed for the general public and some shows require registration


  • 3 p.m. — 6 p.m. workshop Camera Obscura, preparation (CDF - Piňos)
  • 18:30 introduction to the film Bergen by Norwegian film producer Stine Tveten (Music Hall)
  • 7 p.m. screening of documentary film Bergen (CDF)
  • 20:45 concert Zrní (Gate of Jihlava -JAM)

Opening of the Silver House to the public - May 18

Tour of selected spaces from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Guided tours of the whole house at 11am, 1pm and 3pm.

Special lectures with a tour of the whole house:

  • 10:00 About the historic restoration of the Silver House and its connection with the project Jihlava Historical Houses: Vratislav Zíka
  • 14:00 Construction-historical survey of the house in context: Marek Peška
  • 16:00 Restoration of the Silver House 2019—2024: Jiří Neubert


Tour from the house to the outside:

  • 15:00 Jiří Neubert (Filip Kochan, Marek Skryvánek): MN18, MN23, Brněnská 6 and 8

Tea room

  • 8:15 — 10:55 Come to us for breakfast!
  • 17:07 Performance tea ceremony. Tea ceremony with friends.

Music Hall

  • 18:00 Kauer, Späváček (Gate of Jihlava - JAM)
  • 19:00 screening of documentaries about Oslavia architecture and Koolhaas Houselife (JAM)
  • 20:30 concert Sotus Kvartet (Gate of Jihlava)


  • 10:00 — 12:00, 14:00 — 17:00 Urbs workshop (JAM)
  • 14:00 — 16:00 workshop Tribuna (JAM)


  • 10:00 — 17:00 Camera Obscura workshop (CDF - Piňos)
  • 10:30 — 17:00 Animation Workshop (CDF)

Opening of the Silver House to the public - May 19

Tour of selected areas of the house 10am to 5pm, guided tours of the whole house at 11am, 1pm and 3pm.


Special lectures with a tour of the whole house:

  • 10:00 Simon Kochan — Archaeological Survey in the Silver House
  • 16:00 Marek Štěpán — Architecture of the Restoration and the Emergence of the Silver House


Tours from the house out:  

  • 14:00 Marek Skryvánek (Jiří Neubert): High halls of Jihlava


Special lectures with a tour of the subject areas of the house:

  • 14:00 Jiří Jindra — About tiled stoves in the painted hall and apartment
  • 15:00 Václav Kočí — Music Hall Painting


Tea room

  • 8:15 — 10:55 Come to us for breakfast!
  • 17:07 Performance tea ceremony. Tea ceremony with friends.

Painted Hall

  • 13:00 — 18:00 workshop Behind the Scenes of the Silver House (JAM— Marenić)

 Music Hall

  • 19:00 — 20:30 concert Ondřej Smeykal (tea room)


  • 10:00 — 12:00, 14:00 — 17:00 Urbs workshop (JAM)
  • 14:00 — 16:00 workshop Tribuna (JAM)


  • 10:00 — 17:00 Camera Obscura workshop (CDF - Piňos)
  • 10:30 — 17:00 Animation Workshop (CDF)

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