Restaurant Na hradách






lunch menu

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Restaurant Na hradách

Benešova 1251/23
586 01 Jihlava 1

Opening hours:

Mon: 10am-4pm
Sun: 10am-10pm
Sat: 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.
No: closed

Czech cuisine at Gustav Mahler Park.

We invite you to our stylish Na Hradách Restaurant in Jihlava, which offers excellent Czech home cuisine and seating in a pleasant and peaceful environment. The restaurant is located near the square, right on the walls of the city of Jihlava, between Gustav Mahler Park and the Gate of the Mother of God.

Restaurant Na Hradách offers lunch menus, ready meals, minute meals and a wide selection of drinks. You will find traditional Czech home cuisine here. You can also use the non-smoking lounge, internet connection, we have a children's corner for the little ones, and you will also find several animals headed by an iguana from the Jihlava Zoo. The interior of the restaurant is set in medieval times and offers a quiet and welcoming atmosphere. We rely on a professional service approach and excellent Czech cuisine!
