Polná Castle

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Opening hours:

April, May
Tue - Sun 9am-12pm, 1pm-4pm

June - August
Tue - Sun 9am — 12pm, 1pm — 5pm

September, October
Tue - Sun 9am-12pm, 1pm-4pm

November - March


Admission to routes Castle I, Castle II, Old School (for 1 route):

adults: 100 CZK
seniors: 80 CZK
children, students, ZTP: 50 CZK

discounts provided: groups (10 or more persons), families with Family Passport and others according to the price list

Admission to the route Museum incl. exhibitions:

adults: 60 CZK
seniors: 50 CZK
children, students, ZTP: 40 CZK

discounts provided: families with Family Passport, ZTP/P (100% discount), AMG card holders and others according to the price list

A majestic castle complex towering over the city

The extensive grounds of the castle and chateau jutting out above Pond of Hell consists of an inner castle, castle buildings forecourt, two courtyards, a park and an area of a former garden.

On the preserved parts you can observe the architectural development of the complex in the course of individual artistic styles - Gothic castle tract with Renaissance-style wing, preserved part of Gothic fortifications — parkán with bastion, Baroque castle part together with fountain, dated 1693. In the so-called Kunštát Hall Late Gothic vaults and remnants of Renaissance paintings are preserved of the castle.

The area belongs to the City of Polná and is an important cultural and social center of the city. You can find here Municipal Museum, Elementary Art School, Cultural Center with Culture Hall, Castle Restaurant with accommodation and cinema.

In the area of the castle park there is aviaries with predators. The former garden has been redeveloped into a summer stage. During the summer the area hosts a number of musical and cultural social events.

There are 4 sightseeing routes available for visitors:

Castle I - crafts: Lapidarium in the castle cellar, pharmacy “At the Black Eagle”, merchant shop and exhibition of old crafts. Tour time 50-60 minutes.

Castle II - historical: History of Polen Castle and its development, Coat of Arms, Dittrichstein and Kunštát Hall, burgher housing of the 19th and 20th centuries, Hall of natives, life in the countryside, expositions of the First World War and Czechoslovak Legions. Tour time 50-60 minutes.

Old school: A rare exposition of the school class of 1866, a cabinet of teaching aids, a black kitchen, a teacher's apartment. Tour time 45 minutes.

Museum: Exhibition of the Metamorphoses of Polná from the 13th to the 19th century, exhibition of clocks and watchmaking, Rérych Gallery.

Virtual Tour
Kunštát Hall
Old school
Baroque apothecary

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