Jihlava City Library

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Městská knihovna Jihlava, příspěvková organizace

Hluboká 109/1
586 01 Jihlava 1

Opening hours:

Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 8am-6pm

Tue closed


Book rentals, CDs, VHS, Internet reading room, audio library, children's department, public Internet...

The Jihlava City Library is a public library with a universal library fund. It offers a wide range of library and information services using traditional and electronic resources, prepares numerous cultural, educational and informational programmes, and is a natural meeting place for residents of the city and the region. Since 2003, the library has been housed in sensitively renovated premises of the originally Jesuit gymnasium in Hluboká 1. The new site contributed significantly to the transformation of the library into today's form of a modern educational and information institution. In addition to the main building, it provides its services in three branches: Bedřichov — Kollárova 19, Březinova 62 and Horní Kosov — S. K. Neumann 22.

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