OGV — The Square

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Oblastní galerie Vysočiny v Jihlavě

Masarykovo náměstí 642/24
586 01 Jihlava 1

Opening hours:

Tue - Sun 10:00 - 18:00


Admission: Basic 40 CZK Reduced 20 CZK Elementary, secondary, higher education and apprenticeships within the course: 10 CZK First Wednesday of the month and every Sunday admission is free. Discount on family and senior passports (admission free at the weekend).

The gallery presents art collections from the 19th century to the present in two buildings in Jihlava.

The foundation of the gallery was prompted in 1948 by the donation of Maria Kovaříková, who donated to the city her lifelong collection - 78 paintings and 1 sculpture. The gallery was created in a house on Masaryk Square.

After several moves, the current Jihlava gallery is housed in two houses. In Komenský Street you can admire the collection of Czech art of the 20th century. In the building on Masaryk Square there is an exhibition of Czech art of the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as a smaller exhibition about art and the region.

House on Masaryk Square, originally Gothic, was rebuilt after fires in the 16th century. It has a typical ground floor, a depth three-stroke formed originally by an entrance hall, a black kitchen and a passage to the courtyard. Valuable, and unique in the urban environment, is the mirror vault with cutouts around the perimeter.

House in Komenský street It was created by combining two adjacent, probably Gothic, houses in 1864. It has a preserved Renaissance portal. In the upper storey hall, which forms the central part of the house, 8 figures of angels are depicted on the dome of the vault, and a star with rays shines at the top of the vault. Six angels play various musical instruments (horn, drum, lute, triangle, flute and guitar).
