Smetana Gardens

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Smetana's Gardens is one of many city parks, built on the site of the original city cemetery from 1559. Burials here were terminated in 1868, when due to the large number of people who died after the cholera epidemic, it was decided to build a new cemetery in the outskirts of Jihlava towards Pelhřimov.
Orchards were established here in 1891 after the demolition of the cemetery walls and the planting of trees. Later, a network of paths and benches was added.

The churchyard church of St. The spirit dates back to 1572. Its original patron saint was the Holy Trinity, but the Holy Spirit continued to become one during the 16th century. During the incursion of the Swedes, the church was greatly damaged. It was restored by the Strahov premonstrates in 1661 in the style of Mannerism, after the abolition of the cemetery it was modified in Neo-Baroque style. Church of St. Ducha is a filial church of the Roman Catholic parish at St. Jakuba in Jihlava.

The five sculptures, now located in the park, were created in 2007 during a sculpture symposium organized by the local High School of Graphics.

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