Jewish Quarter

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Jewish Quarter

She's Jewish
586 01 Jihlava

Opening hours:

Jewish Cemetery Mon - Fri 8.00 - 17.00

other locations in the city centre freely accessible



Jews in Jihlava did not have it easy, they were forbidden to stay in the city several times. Their synagogue was looted and burned during World War II.

The first mention of the Jewish settlement of Jihlava comes from mid-13th century. The Jewish community was formed from 1345, by decree Charles IV., so that the Jihlavians would accept the Jews into the city. The ghetto was located west of the main square. There was a synagogue and a Jewish school next door.

For the ages Hussite Wars Jews expelled from Austria settled in Jihlava. But since they were accused of collaborating with the Hussites, they were denunciated They had to leave all their possessions behind the walls. And even though a few families reached Jihlava again, they were expelled again. Jews appeared there only in some markets, for which they had to pay.

Jews were allowed to live and work in Jihlava towards the end of the 18th century, although this made it impossible for them to keep paying. prohibitions. By the end of the 19th century, almost fifteen hundred Jewish residents lived there. After World War I, it was only a thousand. In 1939, she was Synagogue Burned and later demolished. In the place where she used to live, she is today Gustav Mahler Park. Another part of the Jewish community in Jihlava were historic Jewish houses, which were demolished between the 1960s and 1970s. The only surviving monument of this village remains Jewish cemetery. The tragedy of thousands of Jews in Jihlava from the Second World War is commemorated monument.
