Jihlava - Brtnice - Vílanec

On the bike







39 km

Time Requirement:

3 hrs


634 m

The hilly landscape of Jihlava to the historic town of Brtnice

Bike trip for lovers of breathtaking views of the hilly landscape of the Highlands.

From Jihlava we take the first climb to an interesting location stone rows over Kosovo. It is about 60 stones built in rows, according to researchers, it may have been a megalithic calendar. The rows are about 10 meters apart and are less noticeable to the naked eye due to uncut trees cut down after the bark beetle calamity. However, we have ascended to the horizon and the reward is the view of the wide landscape.

After a short descent we connect to the road and descend into the valley via Studénky to Puklic. The locals are definitely worth a visit Jewish cemetery, founded in the 15th century. It served a wide area until 1932, with around 60 tombstones currently located there. The Jewish community in Puklice became extinct during the 19th century, the local synagogue was turned into a warehouse and granary, after the war it was converted into a residential building. We pass Puklice past the former castle and at the end of the village we turn to Přísek.

On the right side we come to the natural monument Starý Přísecký pond, where we stop at the new bird-watching. It will certainly appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

The real attraction for children awaits in Přísek in a reconstructed castle towering on a hill above the village. It is based here Toy Car Museum, the exposition of which numbers more than 10 thousand exhibits! The museum also includes a cafe, where you can have a snack and gain strength for the next trip.

We leave Příseka, pass Komárovice and descend along the natural road to Brtnice. We can start the tour of the city by visiting the Jewish cemetery, then continue to the center, where the real pearls are waiting for us. The first stop is the native Josef Hoffmann House, an architect and designer who became famous all over the world. Many will realize its importance only when visiting Vienna, where its work is presented in the leading museums. Brtnická exposition is very engaging, with interactive elements.

We bridge the river with a baroque bridge with six statues - there are two bridges with historical sculptures in Brtnice, a few tens of meters further there is the Jewish Bridge. Brtnice's historic centre is often and rightly nicknamed “Moravian Hradčany”, the intricate streets with picturesque houses leading to the majestic castle that juts out over the city resemble those of Prague. Brtnice Castle will captivate you with its size and, unfortunately, negatively the state of the entire structure. Long-term property disputes contribute to the gradual degradation of the monument. Tours are organized in the castle, there is an escape game. In the summer there is a classical music festival organized by the association Zámek Brtnice. Recently a new Regional Museum of Horní Pooslaví opened in the building former granaries.

At the exit from Brtnice we pass the ponds Horní and Dolní Fluska, excellent for refreshing in the summer season. We are heading to Uhřínovice, which was especially famous by the locals Ruprenz Brewery. You can taste the local beer thanks to the automatic beer machine, which is widely used by tourists and other visitors of the village. Here we connect to the cycle route 5215 and follow it through nature through the Sokoličský les, Cerevička to Vílanca. Here we can visit restaurant in Mlýnhotel Vílanec, known for its Veylanec cuttings. The resort offers a wide range of services for residents and visitors - indoor and outdoor tennis courts, fishing, bike rental and much more. When you leave Vílanca, you must not miss the local famous ice cream, which is enjoyed by gourmets from all over the area.

From Vílanca we are waiting for a beautiful path through meadows and forests, along Vílanec Peat Nature Reserve up to Popice, which is already a local part of the city of Jihlavy. From Description we are waiting for a pleasant descent with a view of the towers and houses of the regional town all the way to Jihlava on a cycle path that will take us along the Koželužský brook to the city center.

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Místa na cestě

Toy Car Museum - Příseka Castle

In the heart of the Czech Republic, in the village of Příseka you will find a unique Museum of Cars and Old Toys.

Josef Hoffmann Museum

The birthplace of architect and designer Josef Hoffmann is located in Brtnice in Jihlavsko. Do not miss the experiential exposition, which will entertain adults and children.

Manor Granary

The former granary is today a venue for various events and houses exhibition spaces with expositions dedicated to life in the city and the tradition of historical plague processions.

Brtnice Castle

Brtnice Castle, a landmark of the town of the same name in the Jihlavsk region.

Jídlo & pití na cestě

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Ubytování na cestě

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